Seasons Greetings! Building a new trail can cost over $35,000 per mile, and maintaining it can require anywhere from $1,000-$5,000 per mile. The Wasatch Trails Foundation, with the support of trail enthusiasts and volunteers, stewards over 175 miles of trails in the Wasatch back, driven by a passion for human-powered recreation and a commitment to a year-round trail network in the Heber Valley. With giving season in full swing, we invite you to be part of our mission by considering a donation to the Wasatch Trails Foundation. This year we have a goal to raise enough money to rejuvenate and maintain another 50+ miles of trail in the coming year. Your generosity will go a long way to helping us plan, build, and maintain a world-class trail system. Here is how you can make a difference:
All club-level donations will be recognized in local publications and on our website. Making a donation is simple:
Direct donation WasatchTrails.Org
From your DAF or company giving campaign
Trail systems are more than pathways through nature; they energize communities, connecting us as individuals to nature and the natural landscapes we love. Together, with your help, we strive to cultivate a meaningful trail community and foster a world-class trail system that brings happiness, health and adventure, to all. Thank you for considering joining us in creating a thriving trail network in Wasatch County. Cheers,
Mia Yue
Executive Director
